Mike, you have written a very cogent essay about our current predicament as we are living in a rapidly changing world of heat explosion caused by continuous growth capitalism powered by dense fossil fuels that spew overwhelming amounts of CO2 into the earth's atmosphere. We are living the consequences of our choices that began about 200 years ago. As realization of our predicament increases across social barriers and economic differences a hard panic will overtake all thinking and actions. Fear will become the overwhelming Great Attractor causing humans to spiral into the Big Squeeze that is rapidly closing around us.

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It's what we Greens want to work for! I recently wrote about international cooperation on these issues, and the environmental pledges I am signing. https://kdgreenparty.substack.com/

PS As a scifi author I appreciate your summary of the minuscule scale of us in the universe!

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hello Mike, I agree with what you’re saying here I was ignorant of how our planet, our galaxy and the group we belong to is racing through space to some strange attractor somewhere in the universe; that’s also valuable information.

on the other hand, I do not believe in representative democracy . Of course, since we need a global governance system participative democracy on a global scale is difficult to imagine. Nevertheless, it must be envisaged. Some of. The anarchist movements, such as those who fought during the Russian revolution or those who roast Franco, showed the way. I am interested in starting a conversation about this with you and other people who are thinking in the same direction. I just started my own Substack so far it only has a couple of poems, but this will grow quickly. All the best, Antony, MünD on Medium

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